For the month of March, our Community Outreach highlights our very own
non-profit Mountain Post Thrift Shop located on Fort Carson
(5769 Wallace Street, BLDG 1045). Mountain Post Spouse Club members receive a 20% discount on all purchases, every day,
plus members are invited to special shopping nights twice each year.
The community’s donations and purchases make a big difference on Fort Carson as its proceeds directly support scholarships and community grants.
This month’s Community Outreach will be an act of service, rather than a physical donation. During Mountain Post Thrift Shop Volunteer Week, March 24th - 28th, we are volunteering to help sort, hang, clean and organize. Volunteers age 16 and older, please visit our SignUp Genius to claim a time slot. Children younger than 16 are welcome to help, with adult supervision, and do not need to signup. Please plan to arrive fifteen minutes before your scheduled time to complete paperwork and a short orientation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call MPTS at (719) 526-5966 or email Thriftshop@mpsc.us .
Follow the Mountain Post Thrift Shop on Facebook and Instagram!